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Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


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Butterfly Footprints

Butterfly Footprints

Your feet
Bright color paints
Large sheet of white construction paper
Paint brush
Glitter, sparkles, ribbon, buttons, etc.
Black pipe cleaner
Paper towels

Do one foot at a time, then clean up before doing the other foot.

First, paint the bottom of your right foot. Press it down on the paper, making the LEFT wing.

Next, paint the bottom of your left foot and press it down, touching the other foot print, to make the RIGHT wing.

Let the painted wings dry before you decorate them.

Once dry, you can curl the pipe cleaner to make the antennas and glue them on. Use your extra craft supplies to decorate the wings of your butterfly.

Write the following poem on the paper and sign your name and put the year too!

This isn't just a butterfly
As you can plainly see.
I made it with my feet
Which are a part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say
I hope you have a very
Happy Mother's Day

Sweet Creations

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Themed Craft Projects

4th of July Fun
All About Bears
All About Bugs
The Circus
Earth Day
Father's Day
Flowers and Spring
Mother's Day
St. Patrick's Day
Underwater Creatures
Valentine's Day
Water Art
Winter Fun

More Mother's Day Crafts

Butterfly Footprints
Hydrangea Plant
I Love You Plant
Bath Salts
Best Gift Wrap
Memory Handprint
Mother’s Day Banner
My Mother Is...