Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


Pasta Letters
Story Soup
Sweet Creations
Stir until Done
Peas -n- Carrots

Alphabet Books

Alphabet Books Recommended to Read

The Alphabet Room
by Sara Pinto
Starting with the simplest images-apples for A, bowls for B, cat for C-Sara Pinto has taken a magical leap in the concept of alphabet books. Each letter has a door, and behind each door the objects arrange and rearrange themselves so that with every letter the picture becomes more complex. Letter by letter, magical scenes unfold inside the room. With gentle humor and charming design, this lift-the-flap alphabet book transcends the genre to offer something truly unique.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Jr, Bill Martin, John Archambault, Lois Ehlert
In this bright and lively rhyme, the letters of the alphabet race each other to the top of the coconut tree. When X, Y and Z finally scramble up the trunk, however, the weight is too much, and down they all tumble in a colorful chaotic heap: "Chicka Chicka . . . BOOM! BOOM!" All the family members race to help, as one by one the letters recover in amusingly battered fashion. Poor stubbed toe E has a swollen appendage, while F sports a jaunty Band-Aid and P is indeed black-eyed. As the tropic sun goes down and a radiant full moon appears, indomitable A leaps out of bed, double-daring his colleagues to another treetop race.

Alphabet City
by Stephen T. Johnson
Beginning with the A formed by a construction site's sawhorse and ending with the Z found in the angle of a fire escape, Johnson draws viewers' eyes to tiny details within everyday objects to find letters. In this wordless tour of sights from Times Square to the Brooklyn Bridge, he invites young and old alike to take a new look at familiar surroundings, discovering the alphabet without ever looking in a book or reading from a sign.

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Book Recommendations

Books to Age 6
Books for Ages 6 to 9
Books for Age 9 and Up
Alphabet Books
Back to School Books
Easter Books
Fall Books
St. Patrick's Day Books
Spring Books
More Themes

Books and Stories

American Sign Language
Andersen Fairy Tales
All About Food
Beatrix Potter Stories
Holiday Poems and Stories
Artie Knapp - Author
Letters and Numbers
Native American Folklore
Nature Poems and Stories
Nursery Rhymes
Short Stories
Tongue Twister Poems
How to say "I Love You"
Book Recommendations