Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


Pasta Letters
Story Soup
Sweet Creations
Stir until Done
Peas -n- Carrots

Holiday Poems and Stories

* Valentine Poems

* St. Patrick's Day Poems

* Easter Poems

* Mother's Day Poems

* Hallowe'en is Coming Soon

Valentine Poems

Valentine's Day

Valentines, valentines
Red, white and blue
I'll make a nice one
And send it to you.

Valentine's Day

If I could be the postman
For just one single time,
I'd choose to carry Valentines
So lovely and so fine.
I would not mind the heavy load,
Or mind my tired feet.
If I could scatter happiness
All up and down the street.

For Valentine's Day

Out of a snow cloud, cold and gray,
Something dropped on St. Valentine's Day,
Whirling and twirling and soft and light,
Like wee little letters all dainty and white,
And I guess the sky children were sending down,
This Valentine straight to the children in town.

Counting Valentines

Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with me.
I have red ones, orange ones, yellow ones, too.
I have green ones, purple ones, and some that are blue.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Count them with me! 1-2-3-4-5.....

5 Little Valentines

Five little valentines were having a race
The first little valentine was frilly with lace.
The second little valentine had a funny face.
The third little valentine said, "I love you".
The fourth little valentine said, "I do too".
The fifth little valentine was sly as a fox.
He ran the fastest to the valentine box.

Valentine Verses

Now St. Valentine is here.
We greet his birthday with a cheer.
For happiness from friend to friend
Flies with the Valentines we send.

Today as Valentines go out
To people near and far,
This one I'm sending right to you
To say how nice you are.

Love is a Circle

Love is a circle,
Round and round,
Love goes up,
And love comes down,
Love is on the inside,
Trying to get out,
Love is whirling and twirling about!

To My Valentine

If apples were pears
And peaches were plums
And the rose had a different name.
If tigers were bears
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same.

Valentine so bright and gay,
I am sending out today.
With the message, "I love you,"
Hoping that you love me, too.

A Valentine

Frost flowers on the window glass,
Hopping chickadees that pass,
Bare old elms that bend and sway,
Pussy willows soft and gray.
Silver clouds across the sky,
Lacy snow flakes flitting by,
Icicles like fringe in line
That is outdoor's Valentine.

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