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Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


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Story Soup
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Cranberry Pie

Cranberry Pie

Cook a quart of cranberries till tender, with a small cup of water; when they have simmered till rather thick, put in a heaping cup of sugar and cook five minutes more.

When as thick as oatmeal mush, take them off the fire and put through the colander; line a tin with crust, fill with berries, put strips of crust across, and bake.

A nice plan is to take half a cup of raisins and a cup of cranberries for a pie, chopping together and cooking with water as before, adding a sprinkling of flour and a little vanilla when done.








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A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl

Main Page of Book

Margaret's Cook Book

A Note from SSK - Foreword
Little Cook-Book: Cereals
Little Cook-Book: Eggs
Little Cook-Book: Fish
Little Cook-Book: Meat
Little Cook-Book: Potatoes
Little Cook-Book: Toast
Little Cook-Book: Coffee
Little Cook-Book: White Sauce
Little Cook-Book: Main Dish
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Salads
Little Cook-Book: Gingerbread
Little Cook-Book: Drinks
Little Cook-Book: Soups
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Macaroni
Little Cook-Book: Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Sauces
Little Cook-Book: Ice Cream/Ices
Little Cook-Book: Cakes
Little Cook-Book: More Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Pies
Little Cook-Book: Candy
Little Cook-Book: School Lunches


Deep Apple Pie
Peach Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Cranberry Pie
Orange Pie