Cream Made from Confectioners' Sugar
Take the white of one egg, and measure just as much cold water; mix the two
well, and stir stiff with confectioners' sugar; add a little flavoring,
vanilla, or almond, or pistache, and, for some candies, color with a tiny
speck of fruit paste.
This is the beginning of all sorts of cream candy.
Candy Potatoes
Make the plain white candy just given, and to it add a tablespoonful of
cocoanut, and flavor with vanilla.
Make into little balls, rather long then round, and with a fork put eyes in
them like potato eyes. Roll in cinnamon.
These candies are very quickly made, and are excellent for little girls'
Chocolate Creams
Make the cream candy into balls, melt three squares of Baker's chocolate;
put a ball on a little skewer or a fork, and dip into the chocolate and lay
on buttered paper.
Nut Candy
Chop a cup of almonds and mix with the cream candy; make into bars, and when
cold cut in slices.
Walnut Creams
Press two walnut halves on small balls of cream candy, one on either side.
Creamed Dates
Wash, wipe, and open the dates; remove the stones and put a small ball of
cream candy into each one.
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